Many people approach retirement with little or no idea how much money they will need or the best way to take an income. Money Tools financial planning can give you the answers and show you whether you are on track – then create a plan to help you get there. Whatever you want from retirement, one thing is certain – to give you the retirement you want and deserve, you need to plan ahead.

How much money will you need in retirement?

Our work together typically begins with a discussion regarding what you want your retirement to look like. Then we will calculate what proportion cash you’ll need to achieve your goals. Using this, we are able to analyse your savings and outgoings to find out how long your cash will last and whether or not you’re on target – or what you’ll need to do to get there. 


Retirement Savings

Saving for retirement is a significant challenges faced by most people. Our Independent Financial planners can give you advice in a number of areas:

Using your annual allowance, and navigating the complex tapered annual allowance
Extra pension contributions and using pension carry forward
Assessing your pension against the lifetime allowance tax charge
Using other savings and investments, such as ISAs
Ensuring your savings are held in high-quality investments