Investment management

Helping you to plan for your future with a tailored investment plan

Creating and maintaining the right investment strategy is vital to achieving your financial goals.

In an age where we seem to be encouraged to lead tomorrow’s lifestyle today, funded by debt in order to maintain consumption, investing has been confused with speculating in “get rich quick” ideas.

The tried and tested methods of creating, maintaining and preserving wealth look boring by comparison and therefore seem to have lost their appeal.

Investing is a disciplined, diversified and structured process with a longer term focus yielding measurable returns and demonstrable value. The accumulation of wealth is a function of time, regular saving or investments, and compound interest. They are the three variables. That’s it, there are no short cuts.

At Money Tools we only employ tried and tested wealth management strategies for the purpose of growing, protecting and eventually transferring family wealth. These strategies are not speculative but are proven to work and are supported by Nobel Prize winning academic research.

The whole purpose of investing is to get long- term returns that exceed cash deposits. If you are not achieving long term compound returns which exceed cash deposits then what’s the point in taking the risk, you might as well leave it in cash!

We hold the following beliefs:

Investing is not speculating

Investing and speculating are two very different things. Investing is a long-term diverse strategy which uses compounded growth to generate returns.

Speculating is taking a position where you could win or lose. By speculating for every given winner there is a loser. We always hear about the people who have won whilst speculating, but usually very little from those who have lost!

Market Efficiency

By making an investment it is an automatic right that you should demand a return from your capital. This return does not always come each year but you will be rewarded over the long term for making an investment. This is the prime function of wealth creation under a capitalist society.

The role of a marketplace is to match those who require capital with those who have capital to invest and require a return. Over time the market place is efficient at pricing risk. Therefore, instead of wasting time trying to pick the best fund managers and probably getting it wrong! At Money Tools we concentrate on trying to capture the average market return which carries a degree of predictability.

Risk and return

There is a relationship between risk and return, the more risk you are prepared to take then the greater the expected return. The riskier the asset class the greater the expected return, there is no free lunch!

Therefore if you are adding risk to your capital you should expect to receive a higher rate of return, if not why take on the risk in the first place, leave your money in the bank!

Disciplined process

A structured disciplined approach to investing yields greater returns over the longer term than speculating on individual stocks and market mis-pricing. Academic research has proven that over 90% of investment returns are down to which asset classes you invest rather than which fund you select or how good you can be at timing the market.

Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns

By spreading the risk amongst different asset classes it reduces the level of downside risk whilst also increasing the expected returns.

It is not possible to achieve long- term returns in excess of the risk- free rate (cash deposits) without taking on any extra risk.

Should you put all your eggs in one basket and keep a close eye on the basket? Or spread your eggs amongst a number of baskets? At Money Tools we think “diversify to multiply”.

Lower expenses increase investment returns

Fund management costs affect portfolio returns, and are measured by a Total Expense Ratio (TER). Stockbrokers and Active Fund Managers have relatively high costs. All those analysts, sales glossies and star fund manager fees have to be paid from somewhere!

In periods of low equity growth, TERs can dramatically eat into returns. By using institutional grade asset class strategies which are very low cost, this increases returns and leaves more money with the client.

Tax management

By reducing leakage and not paying more in taxation than in necessary, this has a similar effect as reducing charges on a portfolio. There are tax planning strategies which can be employed which maximise efficiency across the portfolio.

Creating your financial plan

To create your individual financial plan:

  1. Work with your financial adviser to establish your short, medium and long-term goals
  2. Build in your key milestones
  3. Evaluate your current financial position
  4. Establish what you need to do to meet your goals
  5. Monitor and review your plan

How My MoneyTools can help

Whether you’re looking for advice for the first time, a review of your portfolio or a second opinion on previously obtained financial advice, My Money Tools can help.

  • We can show you how to use cash flow modelling to achieve your long-term goals
  • We’ll help you look at the bigger picture to make sure you have all eventualities covered
  • We’ll reduce your fees and costs where we can

It’s all about you

Before you talk to us…

… take time to think about your future and whats important to you and your family, think about what you might need in terms of future income, larger amounts you may require and most importantly what you may want to do to make you and those close to you happy.

We all need a passion and to feel we have a purpose, have you thought what yours is? Its generally whats important to us and what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. We see our role as your financial planners and advisors to help you achieve it.

In the meantime, please have a look round our site and have a good read of anything you like the sound of.

The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Ready to get in touch?

Get in touch with our Independent Financial Advisers today

Here’s how it works…
  • Initial Consultation at no expense to you. We will offer as much advice as we can.
  • You’ll receive a quote normally provided at the meeting for your consideration.
  • We can either come to you to help us get a better understanding of your situation at first hand or if you prefer to visit us to see our set up, that’s fine. You choose.
  • The meeting is completely without obligation.


If you already have an Financial adviser or Planner, the changeover is very simple and we take care of it all for you.




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    Investing is not speculating

    Investing and speculating are two very different things. Investing is a long-term diverse strategy which uses compounded growth to generate returns.

    Speculating is taking a position where you could win or lose. By speculating for every given winner there is a loser. We always hear about the people who have won whilst speculating, but usually very little from those who have lost!

    Market Efficiency

    By making an investment it is an automatic right that you should demand a return from your capital. This return does not always come each year but you will be rewarded over the long term for making an investment. This is the prime function of wealth creation under a capitalist society.

    The role of a marketplace is to match those who require capital with those who have capital to invest and require a return. Over time the market place is efficient at pricing risk. Therefore, instead of wasting time trying to pick the best fund managers and probably getting it wrong! At Money Tools we concentrate on trying to capture the average market return which carries a degree of predictability.

    Risk and return

    There is a relationship between risk and return, the more risk you are prepared to take then the greater the expected return. The riskier the asset class the greater the expected return, there is no free lunch!

    Therefore if you are adding risk to your capital you should expect to receive a higher rate of return, if not why take on the risk in the first place, leave your money in the bank!

    Disciplined process

    A structured disciplined approach to investing yields greater returns over the longer term than speculating on individual stocks and market mis-pricing. Academic research has proven that over 90% of investment returns are down to which asset classes you invest rather than which fund you select or how good you can be at timing the market.

    Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns

    By spreading the risk amongst different asset classes it reduces the level of downside risk whilst also increasing the expected returns.

    It is not possible to achieve long- term returns in excess of the risk- free rate (cash deposits) without taking on any extra risk.

    Should you put all your eggs in one basket and keep a close eye on the basket? Or spread your eggs amongst a number of baskets? At Money Tools we think “diversify to multiply”.

    Lower expenses increase investment returns

    Fund management costs affect portfolio returns, and are measured by a Total Expense Ratio (TER). Stockbrokers and Active Fund Managers have relatively high costs. All those analysts, sales glossies and star fund manager fees have to be paid from somewhere!

    In periods of low equity growth, TERs can dramatically eat into returns. By using institutional grade asset class strategies which are very low cost, this increases returns and leaves more money with the client.

    Tax management

    By reducing leakage and not paying more in taxation than in necessary, this has a similar effect as reducing charges on a portfolio. There are tax planning strategies which can be employed which maximise efficiency across the portfolio.