Asset Protection

Protect your assets now – and later – with asset protection.

At MoneyTools we can make sure your money ends up with the people you want, for the reasons you choose.

Asset protection is essentially about planning now to protect for later, this might involve insurance policies, contracts or trusts.

Without planning, your assets could be at risk of exposure to a number of financial predators and catastrophes. This could be as a result of commercial creditors, bankruptcy, divorce, HMRC or a family crisis or catastrophe.

However, once you’ve died, factors outside of your control might mean that within a few generations your wealth has been lost, claimed or wasted – to people such as:

  • the tax man;
  • the local authority;
  • a new partner/spouse and then his/her children;
  • claims against your beneficiaries, e.g. creditors.

The Benefits of Asset Protection?

Asset protection is not just about protecting your assets from creditors or relegated only to the wealthy. Asset protection, in its simplest form, is any method used to protect your hard-earned wealth from loss and dissipation due to life’s many uncertainties. Asset protection is for everyone.

So why is asset protection so important? After all, what belongs to you will always belong to you, right? Well, in some cases, it’s a little more complicated than that.

Asset protection strategies help keep assets from being absorbed or taken by others by protecting yourself and loved ones from creditors or financial complications due to divorce. Asset protection plans can help protect homes, business interests, funds and more. It’s a way to give stability in an often-unstable world. With a solid estate plan in place, you and your family will be able to handle the unexpected with ease, decorum, in a timely manner, and according to your wishes.

Our Asset protection services
Tax law is constantly evolving and many taxpayers find it difficult to keep up with the rules to ensure complete compliance.

We offer advice on the best structure of your estate to protect your assets and wealth for future generations.

Our succession planning and asset protection services:

  • Lifetime giving
  • Trust creation
  • Personal tax planning
  • Pension and life cover trusts
  • Protecting your wealth for future generations
  • Declarations of Trust
  • Deeds of variation
  • Tax compliance
  • Personal injury trusts

It’s all about you

Before you talk to us…

… take time to think about your future and whats important to you and your family, think about what you might need in terms of future income, larger amounts you may require and most importantly what you may want to do to make you and those close to you happy.

We all need a passion and to feel we have a purpose, have you thought what yours is? Its generally whats important to us and what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. We see our role as your financial planners and advisors to help you achieve it.

In the meantime, please have a look round our site and have a good read of anything you like the sound of.

The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Ready to get in touch?

Get in touch with our Independent Financial Advisers today

Here’s how it works…
  • Initial Consultation at no expense to you. We will offer as much advice as we can.
  • You’ll receive a quote normally provided at the meeting for your consideration.
  • We can either come to you to help us get a better understanding of your situation at first hand or if you prefer to visit us to see our set up, that’s fine. You choose.
  • The meeting is completely without obligation.


If you already have an Financial adviser or Planner, the changeover is very simple and we take care of it all for you.




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